Does Peel and Stick Wallpaper Ruin Walls? - Read Further

It is exciting to choose from all the wallpaper design options. And if you are looking for an affordable damage free removable wallpaper for your rental space that would be easily applicable and provide and easy removal when it is time for change, then a great choice between removable wallpapers is peel and stick wallpaper. If you are planning to install wallpaper and want to make sure that it does not damage walls, rest assure, that if you use peel and stick wallpaper correctly and remove the wallpaper carefully then you will achieve a beautiful wallpaper look and be able to easily remove it later on. Read further to learn more about removable wallpaper and if and when it can damage walls.
How To Remove Peel and Stick Wallpaper Without Damaging Walls?
One thing that can be heard often is that removable wallpaper damage walls. It can be thought that peel and stick wallpaper damage paint during removal process. While regular wallpaper can damage walls and leave pieces of paper on the wall, making the process long and difficult, peel and stick wallpaper can be removed in one piece panel by panel without leaving damaged walls when done correctly and carefully.

The first thing to remember to avoid any peel and stick wallpaper damage is to do it slowly and be patient. The material should be peeled off the wall in a 90 degree angle slowly. As the removable wallpaper has been sitting on the surface for a while, there is a possibility that removable wallpaper damage paint, if the panel is ripped off quickly, as with any paper. Therefore, it is crucial to be gentle during the peel and stick wallpapers removal process to not rip off any pieces of paint with it. In the photo above we can see a panel of the Dreamy Dalmatian Spot Print Wallpaper from the Pink Wallpaper collection held by Buildingthedream in a bedroom project.
Peel and stick wallpaper damage walls if the paper has stuck to the surface too strongly, therefore second tip to removing wallpaper in these cases is to apply a gentle heat. Using gentle heat, such as, for example, from a hairdryer will help to ease the adhesive of the removable wallpaper and help to remove peel and stick wallpaper damage free.
Material Of The Wallpaper - It Matters

The wallpaper materials matters when it comes to the application, the look and the removal. To understand how peel and stick wallpapers differ from other materials, lets look at the most common wall coverings. In the photo above we can see the Vintage Amber Peonies Wallpaper from the Floral Wallpaper collection in a charming and floral laundry room interior design done by Nikki.
Traditional Wallpaper

Traditional might be one of the most popular wallpaper materials used by homeowners. The difference is that application requires using glue or paste. Unlike paper or vinyl wallpapers, Think Noir removable wallpaper material is not affected by temperature or humidity changes and it has a matte finish. As with peel stick wallpaper, traditional wall paper needs to be removed in a 90 degree angle slowly. In the photo above we can see the Vintage Amber Peonies Wallpaper from the Floral Wallpaper collection.
Premium Commercial Vinyl

Another popular material for public spaces is commercial wallpaper. This wallpaper material has the characteristics of commercial vinyl wallpaper, is installed as traditional wallpapers using glue or paste and has a higher durability against wear and tear, therefore, it is perfect for commercial spaces such as restaurants, hotels, shops etc. offering longevity and a beautiful interior look. In the photo above we can see an example of a cafe with the Scandi Tropical Palms Print Wallpaper from the Black And White Wallpaper collection.
Peel And Stick Wallpaper

Peel and stick wall paper on the other hand has a more semi gloss finish if we compare it to previous materials. If you have an idea of covering small sections of walls in interior, it is the perfect material choice as the application process does not require as many tools, therefore, typically taking less time. In the photo above we can see the beautiful powder room design by Caroline with the Simple Light Pink Peonies Wallpaper from the Floral Wallpaper collection.
Proper Peel and Stick Wallpaper Installation For Good Results

To achieve the picture perfect look, first of all it is important and recommended to prepare the walls. Installing peel stick wallpaper on textured walls can not only create air bubbles, make the self adhesive wallpaper installation process difficult, but also damage the paper by creating small rips and overall make the application process long. Therefore it is important to prepare smooth walls prior the installation.
Often you might want to consider giving the wall a fresh coat of paint as well, especially if it is not in one color. It is recommended to paint the wall in a white or a light neutral color underneath the wallpaper designs. Furthermore, it is a must to treat the wall with a fresh coat of primer to achieve the perfect result and ensure the sticking of the wallpaper panel to the surfaces properly. As previously mentioned peel and stick wallpaper damage walls if they have not been properly prepared, therefore, primer should definitely not be skipped.
A clean and dust free wall is also crucial for peel and stick wallpaper installation to avoid any air bubbles forming and to achieve the best possible results, quality look and a smooth installation process.

Before installation, make sure to mark the position of the first panel, as not all walls are perfectly straight. This will ensure that you achieve the perfect continuous pattern with each panel added for the picture perfect result and to not leave any parts uncovered as seen in the photo above in Caroline bathroom project with the Simple Light Pink Peonies Wallpaper from the Floral Wallpaper collection. For detailed guide on installing the peel and stick wall paper, visit How To Install Removable Wallpaper blog post.
Factors That Can Affect How Well Peel and Stick Wallpaper Comes Off Walls
As previously mentioned, it is often asked if peel and stick wallpaper damage walls when taking it off? Although the removing process can be comparatively quick, you generally have to be careful during the process. The possibility of any damages occurring during the removal process depends on couple of factors.

Important factor are: if the walls had been poorly prepared prior the installation, if primer had been used, if wallpaper had been applied on a matte paint surface, the quality of the paint, the humidity and temperature in the room after the freshly painted wall was drying.
Furthermore, if you have chosen to replace the design in the rooms with some new and fresh designs, make sure to remove peel and stick wallpaper one strip at a time at a 90 degree angle as previously mentioned which will also make it easier to remove. Rushing can tear the wallpaper in pieces and rip off pieces of paint with it as any other material would do as well.
However, generally speaking, if you have done the necessary preparations before applying the peel and stick wallpaper, and you have applied primer, you should be good to go.
How to Fix Damage After Removing Wallpaper

If you do have some damage to fix after taking off the removable wallpaper, there are ways to do it properly. Read further to learn couple of things about fixing damaged walls after wallpaper removal. In the photo above we can see the Simple Light Pink Peonies Wallpaper from the Floral Wallpaper collection in Caroline bathroom project.
Clean The Walls And Remove Any Loose Paper
If the wallpaper panel was installed on an uneven area that was not primed, then removing the paper might cause some damaging and some parts of paint might come off with the paper as well. Additionally some parts of the paper could have stayed onto the surface as well. In this case it is important to clean the walls and make sure that all things left on there are removed.
Sand The Wall
Next step would be to sand the wall with sand paper to achieve a smooth surface. Make sure to sand the surface carefully and pay extra attention to the damaged parts on the wall.
Prime The Damaged Areas
After sanding the wall with sand paper, you will need to prime the damaged areas. This step is crucial to treat the affected areas separately with extra care to avoid any wrinkling and air bubbles forming later on. This step will help you to create an even and smooth wall for paint.
Sand And Prime Again
Of course only priming the damaged areas on the painted drywall will not be enough to achieve a smooth surface. You will need to sand the whole wall once more to scrape away any loose drywall paper. Afterwards repeat the previous step and prime the whole wall once more to even it out. Let it dry properly before applying a fresh coat of paint.

We hope this blog post will help you with the necessary information to correctly install the removable wall paper. Make sure to prepare the walls correctly before installing peel and stick wallpaper. Do not install the paper on flat paint. And finally remember priming is the key for easy paper removal and making sure that no pieces of paint come off with it To learn more about how to install removable wallpaper, visit the How To Install Removable Wallpaper blog post. In the photo above we can see the installation process of the Vintage Blue Peonies Wallpaper from the Floral Wallpaper collection in a beautiful bathroom project by Van.